the High End


High End 2012

After 12 years on hiatus, we have once again participated in the annual High End show which took place in Munich. Our last exhibition at this show was back in 2000 at Gravenbruch near Frankfurt where we have introduced our “Rondo“ speaker.

In the past three years, legendary vintage Western Electric cinema systems were demonstrated and listeners were impressed by the amazing tonal performance of this “vintage stuff." Possessing the German vintage cinema technology, Siemens Klangfilm Eurodyn, we thought it could be interesting for visitors of the show to have a chance to listen to the European/German interpretation of sound playback of that time. It would certainly be interesting to experience the sound interpretations of the most famous producers side by side, like Cinemechanica, Vitavox, Microtechnica, London Westrex, LMT, BTH and AGA.

In the morning hours we played alternatively our new speaker concepts which have been designed with Line Magnetic drivers, for home use, in more suitable dimensions. Understandably, the interest of the visitors prevailed on the large baffles with historic Siemens Klangfilm Eurodyn's mounted, which one only has the rare chance to listen. Therefore we had limited opportunity to get back to the new speaker line.

Currently we are working to update our website with these new speakers whose appearance is based on the original WE 753. The speakers are designed for the speaker units of Line Magnetic Audio. Soon there will be a smaller dipole cabinet with the look of the WE 753 but with a depth of about 55 cm. With small horns, e.g. Altec 811 together with LM 555 W drivers, it will be easy to benefit from the extraordinary capabilities of the LM 555. This cabinet can be a suitable template for many ideas, leaving maximum freedom to the creativity of the user. The cabinet can also be considered as a low frequency solution for a future woofer concept for the 22A horn.

A cabinet with the original dimensions of the WE 753 will be equipped with a bronze horn in the style of 32A, a matching woofer will be found. Possessing KS 12004, crossover, horns and drivers we have the control tools to compare to the originals.

In the pictures of the slideshow one sees at the right side of the room the speakers which where the reason to contact Line Magnetic Audio for cooperation. The ideas for “Hommage Cinema“ were on our minds for a very long time, but only by the availability of the LM 555 drivers we were able to make this idea a reality. None of the drivers we tried before provided the desired characteristics, though being outwardly very similar to the WE 555 concept. None of them were able to meet the requirements of the designed horns.

Both for “Hommage Cinema“ and the woofer cabinet underneath the 22A, we use the same electronics for amplification (Class AB). With its transformer coupling we have no negative effects on the midrange and treble drive units. A very good SE low power amp is mandatory (Shindo or LM).

It was Uwe Meyer in Wolfsburg, acoustic physicist and carpenter, who skillfully participated in our ideas and made them come true. He had a tough year with making prototypes, trials, changes and last but not least the baffle for the Eurodyn. Without him all of this would not have been possible. Uwe, thanks!

The second force in these projects is Claus Jäckle who designed the required amplification for the woofers. Also this cooperation was very relaxed and synergetic. The outcomes are the 4 x 7 Volt power supplies for LM 555 and LM 597 which you see in one of the pictures.

In Autumn of 2011, when Line Magnetic Audio offered us the distribution for the coming line of amplifiers for the European Union, it was clear that the product line would have to be separated. It became obvious to ask Claus if he would like to take on the service, support and sales in addition to his own products. Claus agreed, founded a separate company and now represents the amplifiers of Line Magnetic Audio within the EU. His contact is Not all of the models are currently available, some still have to pass the tests for legal import into the European Union. Please watch the website of Fidelity-Imports to be updated.

The slideshow presents uncommented impressions of the show, from the very first to the very last view in our room, empty in the beginning and empty again after, 7 days in time-lapse.

A list of the used components of the demonstrated gear you find here.

Keith Aschenbrenner
May 2012

Reports about the High End 2012
Link list in chronological order of publication.